Testing with toxΒΆ

The epifx testing suite uses the pytest framework, and uses the tox automation tool to run the tests under Python 2 and Python 3. The test cases are contained in the ./tests directory.

To run all tests using all of the Python versions defined in tox.ini, run:


The tox.ini contents are shown below, and include targets that check whether the documentation in ./doc builds correctly with Python 2 and with Python 3.

# Configuration file for tox, used to automate test activities.
# https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
# This configuration file defines four test environments:
#   py27-test: Run the test cases in ./tests/ using Python 2.7.
#   py36-test: Run the test cases in ./tests/ using Python 3.6.
#   py27-docs: Build the package documentation using Python 2.7.
#   py36-docs: Build the package documentation using Python 3.6.
# To perform each of these test activities, run:
#   tox
envlist = py{27,36}-{test,docs}

# Define common settings.
# * Cache installed wheels to accelerate environment creation.
# * Ensure tests are run against the installed package.
# * Add test-specific package dependencies.
pkg = epifx
wheels = {homedir}/.cache/pip/wheels
pytest = {envbindir}/py.test --cov={envsitepackagesdir}/{[base]pkg} --capture=no
install_command=pip install -f {[base]wheels} {opts} {packages}
deps =

# Define environment-specific settings.
# * The documentation builds are performed in the ./doc directory.
# * The documentation builds depend on Sphinx and associated packages.
# * The test cases depend on the testing packages defined in [base].
# * All environments depend on the most recent pypfilt version that has been
#   built locally with tox ({distshare}/pypfilt-*.zip).
#   See http://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example/general.html for details.
# * Python 3.6 tests issue errors about comparing bytes and strings (-bb).
changedir =
    docs: doc
deps =
    test: {[base]deps}
    test: matplotlib>=1.5
    docs: sphinx>=1.4
    docs: sphinx-rtd-theme>=0.1.9
    docs: sphinxcontrib-inlinesyntaxhighlight>=0.2
commands =
    py27-test: {envpython} {[base]pytest} {posargs}
    py36-test: {envpython} -bb {[base]pytest} {posargs}
    docs: sphinx-build -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees . {envtmpdir}/html