Release process

Feature development takes places on the “master” branch. Periodically, a release is created by increasing the version number and tagging the relevant commit with the new version number.

  • Check that the release passes all of the tests:

  • Update the version number according to the versioning scheme.

    • Update the version number in doc/ The full version must always be updated, the short (X.Y) version does not need to be updated if the version number is being increased from X.Y.Z to X.Y.Z+1.
    • Update the version number in epifx/
    • Update the version number in
  • Describe the changes at the top of NEWS.rst under a heading of the form X.Y.Z (YYYY-MM-DD), which identifies the new version number and the date on which this version was released.

  • Commit these changes; set the commit message to Release epifx X.Y.Z.

    git add NEWS.rst doc/ epifx/
    git commit -m "Release epifx X.Y.Z"
  • Tag this commit X.Y.Z.

    git tag -a X.Y.Z -m "epifx X.Y.Z"
  • Push this commit and the new tag upstream.

    git push --follow-tags

Publishing to PyPI

These instructions are based on the Python Packaging User Guide.

Ensure that twine is installed:

pip install twine

Define the PyPI server(s) in .pypirc:

index-servers =

Ensure that all uncommitted changes are stashed, or they will be packaged!

git stash

Build the wheel ./dist/epifx-X.Y.Z-py2.py3-none-any.whl:

python bdist_wheel

Upload this wheel to the PyPI test server, so that any problems can be identified and fixed:

twine upload -r pypitest dist/epifx-X.Y.Z-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Then upload this wheel to PyPI:

twine upload dist/epifx-X.Y.Z-py2.py3-none-any.whl