Observation Models

Two observation models are provided, both of which related disease incidence in the simulation model to count data, but differ in how they treat the denominator.

Observations from the entire population

The PopnCounts class provides a generic observation model for relating disease incidence to count data where the denominator is assumed to be the population size \(N\) (i.e., the denominator is assumed constant and is either not known or is known to be the population size \(N\)).

This observation model assumes that the relationship between observed case counts \(y_t\) and disease incidence in particle \(x_t\) follow a negative binomial distribution with mean \(\mathbb{E}[y_t]\) and dispersion parameter \(k\).

\[\begin{split}\mathcal{L}(y_t \mid x_t) &\sim NB(\mathbb{E}[y_t], k)\end{split}\]\[\begin{split}\mathbb{E}[y_t] &= (1 - p_\mathrm{inf}) \cdot bg_\mathrm{obs} + p_\mathrm{inf} \cdot p_\mathrm{obs} \cdot N\end{split}\]\[\begin{split}\operatorname{Var}[y_t] &= \mathbb{E}[y_t] + \frac{\left(\mathbb{E}[y_t]\right)^2}{k}\end{split}\]

The observation model parameters comprise:

  • The background observation rate \(bg_\mathrm{obs}\);
  • The probability of observing an infected individual \(p_\mathrm{obs}\); and
  • The dispersion parameter \(k\), which controls the relationship between the mean (\(\mathbb{E}[y_t]\)) and the variance; as \(k \to \infty\) the distribution approaches the Poisson, as \(k \to 0\) the distribution becomes more and more over-dispersed with respect to the Poisson.
Probability mass functions for the PopnCounts observation model.

Probability mass functions for the PopnCounts observation model with different values of the dispersion parameter \(k\), for the expected value \(\mathbb{E}[y_t] = 200\) (vertical dashed line).

class epifx.obs.PopnCounts(obs_unit, obs_period, pr_obs_ix=None)

Generic observation model for relating disease incidence to count data where the denominator is assumed or known to be the population size.

  • obs_unit – A descriptive name for the data.
  • obs_period – The observation period (in days).
  • pr_obs_ix – The index of the model parameter that defines the observation probability (\(p_\mathrm{obs}\)). By default, the value in the parameters dictionary is used.
expect(params, op, period, pr_inf, prev, curr)

Calculate the expected observation value \(\mathbb{E}[y_t]\) for every particle \(x_t\).

log_llhd(params, op, obs, pr_indiv, curr, hist)

Calculate the log-likelihood \(\mathcal{l}(y_t \mid x_t)\) for the observation \(y_t\) (obs) and every particle \(x_t\).

define_params(params, bg_obs, pr_obs, disp)

Add observation model parameters to the simulation parameters.

  • bg_obs – The background signal in the data (\(bg_\mathrm{obs}\)).
  • pr_obs – The probability of observing an infected individual (\(p_\mathrm{obs}\)).
  • disp – The dispersion parameter (\(k\)).
from_file(filename, year=None, date_col='to', value_col='count')

Load count data from a space-delimited text file with column headers defined in the first line.

  • filename – The file to read.
  • year – Only returns observations for a specific year. The default behaviour is to return all recorded observations.
  • date_col – The name of the observation date column.
  • value_col – The name of the observation value column.

A list of observations, ordered as per the original file.

Observations from population samples

The SampleCounts class provides a generic observation model for relating disease incidence to count data where the denominator is reported and may vary (e.g., weekly counts of all patients and the number that presented with influenza-like illness), and where the background signal is not a fixed value but rather a fixed proportion.

This observation models assumes that the relationship between observed case counts \(y_t\) (expressed as a fraction of the observation denominator \(d_t\)), and disease incidence in particle \(x_t\) follows a beta distribution with mean \(\mathbb{E}[y_t]\) and effective sample size \(\nu\).

\[\begin{split}\mathcal{L}(y_t \mid x_t, d_t) &\sim Beta(\alpha, \beta)\end{split}\]\[\begin{split}\alpha &= \mathbb{E}[y_t] \cdot \nu\end{split}\]\[\begin{split}\beta &= (1 - \mathbb{E}[y_t]) \cdot \nu\end{split}\]\[\begin{split}\nu &= \kappa_\mathrm{denom} \cdot d_t\end{split}\]\[\begin{split}\mathbb{E}[y_t] &= [1 - p_\mathrm{inf}] \cdot bg_\mathrm{frac} + \kappa_\mathrm{obs} \cdot p_\mathrm{inf}\end{split}\]\[\begin{split}\operatorname{Var}[y_t] &= \frac{\mathbb{E}[y_t] \cdot \left(1 - \mathbb{E}[y_t]\right)}{\nu + 1}\end{split}\]

The observation model parameters comprise:

  • The background observation rate \(bg_\mathrm{frac}\), expressed as a fraction of the denominator \(d_t\);
  • The slope \(\kappa_\mathrm{obs}\) of the relationship between disease incidence and the expected count (as a fraction of the denominator \(d_t\)), the value of which is not restricted to the unit interval \([0, 1]\) (and should always exceed \(bg_\mathrm{frac}\)); and
  • The scaling factor \(\kappa_\mathrm{denom}\) between the actual denominator \(d_t\) and the effective denominator \(\nu\), which controls the dispersion (see the figure below).
Probability density functions for the SampleCounts observation model.

Probability density functions for the SampleCounts observation model with different effective denominators \(\nu\), for the expected value \(\mathbb{E}[y_t] = 0.02\) (vertical dashed line).

class epifx.obs.SampleCounts(obs_unit, obs_period, k_obs_ix=None)

Generic observation model for relating disease incidence to count data where the denominator is reported.

  • obs_unit – A descriptive name for the data.
  • obs_period – The observation period (in days).
  • k_obs_ix – The index of the model parameter that defines the disease-related increase in observation rate (\(\kappa_\mathrm{obs}\)). By default, the value in the parameters dictionary is used.
expect(params, op, period, pr_inf, prev, curr)

Calculate the expected observation value \(\mathbb{E}[y_t]\) for every particle \(x_t\).

log_llhd(params, op, obs, pr_indiv, curr, hist)

Calculate the log-likelihood \(\mathcal{l}(y_t \mid x_t)\) for the observation \(y_t\) (obs) and every particle \(x_t\).

define_params(params, bg_frac, k_obs, k_denom)

Add observation model parameters to the simulation parameters.

  • bg_frac – The background observation rate (\(bg_\mathrm{frac}\)).
  • k_obs – The increase in observation rate due to infected individuals (\(\kappa_\mathrm{obs}\)).
  • k_denom – The denominator scaling factor (\(\kappa_\mathrm{denom}\)).
from_file(filename, year=None, date_col='to', value_col='cases', denom_col='patients')

Load count data from a space-delimited text file with column headers defined in the first line.

Note that returned observation values represent the fraction of patients that were counted as cases, not the absolute number of cases. The number of cases and the number of patients are recorded under the 'numerator' and 'denominator' keys, respectively.

  • filename – The file to read.
  • year – Only returns observations for a specific year. The default behaviour is to return all recorded observations.
  • date_col – The name of the observation date column.
  • value_col – The name of the observation value column (reported as absolute values, not fractions).
  • denom_col – The name of the observation denominator column.

A list of observations, ordered as per the original file.


ValueError – If a denominator or value is negative, or if the value exceeds the denominator.

Reading observations from disk

The from_file() methods provided by the observation models listed above use read_table() to read specific columns from data files. This function is intended to be a flexible wrapper around numpy.loadtxt, and should be sufficient for reading almost any whitespace-delimited data file with named columns.

epifx.obs.read_table(filename, columns, date_fmt=None)

Load data from a space-delimited text file with column headers defined in the first line.

  • filename – The file to read.
  • columns – The columns to read, represented as a list of (name, type) tuples; type should either be a built-in NumPy scalar type, or datetime.date or datetime.datetime (in which case string values will be automatically converted to datetime.datetime objects by datetime_conv()).
  • date_fmt – A format string for parsing date columns; see datetime_conv() for details and the default format string.

A NumPy structured array.


The code below demonstrates how to read observations from a file that includes columns for the year, the observation date, the observed value, and free-text metadata (up to 20 characters in length).

import datetime
import numpy as np
import epifx.obs
columns = [('year', np.int32), ('date', datetime.datetime),
           ('count', np.int32), ('metadata', 'S20')]
df = epifx.obs.read_table('my-data-file.ssv', columns,
epifx.obs.datetime_conv(text, fmt='%Y-%m-%d')

Convert date strings to datetime.datetime instances. This is a convenience function intended for use with, e.g., numpy.loadtxt.

  • test – A string containing a date or date-time value.
  • fmt – A format string that defines the textual representation. See the Python strptime documentation for details.